Once you’ve created a custom Develop Setting, you can modify it if necessary.
- Click the More button ( … ) next to the custom Develop Setting
- Choose Rename to give it a different name or modify the existing one
- Choose Delete to remove the custom setting from the active Develop Collection.
You can easily move custom settings between groups. First, make sure the left panel is open to view the Develop Collections. Then, open up any group you want to modify and drag the setting you’d like to move into a new collection.
- Note that you can only move user-created Develop Settings and edit the contents of user-created My Groups.
- The develop settings provided by Radiant Photo cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted.
However, you can choose a legacy preset or system develop setting and then modify it.
Just save that as a new develop setting.
This allows you to add the new setting to any My Group easily. It can now be triggered by scene detection.
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