Try out the Corrective Filter controls if you’d like to use controls that mimic traditional glass photography filters. You’ll find two built-in groups, Color and Corrective. These corrections simulate traditional photography filters that would be attached in front of a lens.
The Color options let you choose from several standard colors.
- Use the Strength slider to add this color to your photo.
- A lower value is effective in helping balance color and lighting issues, while a higher value can stylize an image.
The Corrective group lets you remove color temperature and other issues.
- Try the Warming options to fix a shot that has a bluish color cast.
- Use the Cooling options on shots that appear too red or orange.
- The Neutral Density option helps tone down oversaturated areas,
- The Underwater option can help remove color casts from SCUBA or snorkeling photos.
While corrective filters can be included in a preset recipe, they are more useful on a case-by-case basis. Try them the next time you need to enhance or repair an image that’s particularly troublesome. They can also be used to enhance further or stylize a photo when combined with LOOKs.
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