Radiant Photo 2 corrects photos in more than 30 ways with 1-click. However, the real power comes when you batch-process hundreds or thousands of photos. You can speed up your imaging workflow by combining Radiant Photo 2 with a batch process in Photoshop. This workflow is an easy two-step process.

  • *First, an action is recorded. * An action is simply a macro or a saved set of commands. 
  • Second, you execute that action by targeting a collection of images.  This process is easy to do and lets you quickly process even thousands of images.

Create an Action

Let’s begin by creating an action. After that, you may choose to create different actions based on your favorite presets.

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop. 
  2. Now, open an image that is representative of the type of images you want to fix.  This step will help you choose the right settings or presets in .
  3. Open the Actions panel by selecting Window > Actions.  The Actions panel is where you’ll control the recording and playing back of your actions.
  4. At the bottom of the panel, click the folder icon to create a new set of actions.  A set can hold multiple Actions. For example, name the set .
  5. With that set highlighted, click the New Action button. Name the action “ Automatic.”  

Now, everything will be recorded until you press the stop button.  This feature allows you to operate Photoshop and capture the steps you choose to repeat on other images or even folders of images.

  1. Let’s process the photo you opened earlier. Choose Filter > Radiant Imaging Labs > .  goes to work immediately, automatically correcting your photo. By default, a Smart Auto preset is applied.  Do not modify any settings.
  2. Click Apply to process the image. 
  3. When the filter finishes, you can click the Stop recording button.  Your action is now recorded. 
  4. Save it for future use. Next, in the Actions panel, click the set to select it.
  5. Then click the three bars in the upper right corner of the panel.  This button is called the panel submenu. Choose Save Actions, and then save your settings on your hard drive to back it up.

In the future, you can repeat these steps of creating an action for additional presets in .  Just be sure to store each action in your set and re-save your set of actions.

Batch processing with actions

Now that you have an action, it’s time to batch-process a folder of images.

  1. To start the batch process, choose File > Scripts > Image Processor. This opens a new window in Photoshop to configure your batch process.
  2. Select the images you want to process.  You can use all open images in Photoshop or choose a folder of images.
    • If your folder contains additional folders, check the* Include All subfolders* option.
    • If you’re working with raw files, you can choose the Open first image to apply settings to set a global choice on how to handle raw files.
  3. You now must select where the processed images are stored.  You can write over the existing files if you have little space on your drive.  Most users, however, choose the Select Folder option and target a new folder to hold copies of the modified images. Photoshop lets you choose from three file types.  
    • JPEGs are useful if you want to post directly to the web or submit to an online printing service.  
    • If you’d like to do additional processing in Photoshop, the PSD or TIFF options create higher-quality files.
  4. Now select the action that you created. Check the box next to Run Action to use one of your actions.  In this case, specify that you’d like to use the set and the Automatic action.
  5. If you’d like, you can also assign copyright information for your photos at the same time.  
  6. Be sure to look over the Image Processor window one more time from top to bottom.  When ready, click the Run button.  Photoshop will now process each image that you selected and create a new version with Radiant Photo 2 applied.  You’ll find the resulting images in the folder you’ve chosen.

This process is entirely automated; you can even walk away from your computer or switch to another task.


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