Now let’s store this custom preset for posting web-optimized images. This could be useful for a client gallery or shared on social media websites or a photographer’s blog.

  1. In the Preset volume, Click the Add button.
  2. Name the new Radiant Auto Enhance – JPEG in the Preset name. 
  3. Choose to store this in your User Presets folder.
  4. Click the next Create button to store the preset.
You can now access this custom preset, or any of the default systems presets from the File > Export with Preset menu for an even faster workflow.

Now choose some settings to configure the preset

  1. From the Radiant Photo 2 section choose system presets and AI: Radiant Photo – Core.
  2. Set the destination for the export. Using the Export To: menu you can choose a default loaction to store files or **Choose folder later* which will prompt you when exporting.
  3. Scroll to the File Settings area and set the Image Format to JPEG. A quality of 80 and the sRGB color space is well-suite for web display.
  4. In the Image Sizing area choose to resize the photo. A width and height contstraint of 1920 pixels works well for most websites and social media.
  5. Choose which Metadata to include with your exported file.
  6. Click Done to store the preset

You can now use the prest in the future when you want to batch export.


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