For Mylio Photos users, the Open With command makes it easy to hand off a photo to another application like Radiant Photo 2. In order for the command to work properly, make sure the device has an Original-quality file synced or can connect to another device to sync locally first.
- Select a photo or group of pictures in the browser
- Go to the Photo menu in the operating system menu bar, choose Open With, then choose Radiant Photo 2.
- If an original-quality version of your photo is unavailable locally on your device, Mylio Photos will attempt to download it.
- If an original-quality version is unavailable, Mylio Photos will display a list of devices containing the original and ask you to connect to one.
- Choose the File Options for the images you wish to edit, such as file format, then click Continue. Generally, the best option for a smooth handoff to Radiant Photo is to Open a copy with Mylio Photos Adjustments which will apply Mylio Photos adjustments to a copy of the image and send the edited version to Radiant Photo.
- Edit as desired with the Radiant Photo 2.
- When you’re finished, choose Save As or Export, give your edited photo a unique file name, and then save the edited image to the same folder as the Original. Mylio Photos will automatically see the new version and add it to your library.
If you need to learn how to customize the Open With menu, you can see this article on the Mylio Photos website –
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